Learn Python Programming

Learn Python Programming

A beginner's guide to learning Python programming for FREE

Python has been around since the 90s, and an enormous amount of content is there to learn Python. While this is good for any language, this creates information overload and decision paralysis in learning in a structured manner. Note: There is no official certification for Python programming

Here is a list of materials to help beginners in Python programming:

Interactive way

Here you can try on coding on the browser itself without installing anything.


A more extensive list of books can be found at awesome python books



For more search, awesome Youtube, visit awesome-YouTubers



Newsletters usually published weekly keep you up to date on the latest developments in the Python world.


If you are a podcast person, here is a list of podcasts related to Python.

Twitter List

This Twitter list contains 50+ Twitter users who post on the latest developments, tutorials, and other posts on the Python programming language—compiled by yours truly.

This list will be updated from time to time whenever required.

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